Maja Mommert – Concept development for interactive media

Creative director, concept developer, information architect

Maja Mommert has been working as a concept developer and creative director for 12 years and advises international companies on interaction design, strategy and marketing.

Maja keeps an eye on what’s essential. She thinks creatively and analytically at the same time.

She speaks the customer’s language as well as that of the implementing technician, be it German, English or French.

Benefit from Maja’s passion for interactivity both online and offline. From complex interactive applications and the easygoing concept development of conferences to result-oriented implementation of customer workshops or brainstorming sessions – your project is in good hands with Maja.


  • aperto, argonauten G2, BBDO, I-D Media AG, Jung von Matt, Neue Digitale / razorfish, Scholz & Friends and others

For references, click here.

Maja Mommert Concept development
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said ‘faster horses’.”
Henry Ford

Your benefit:

  • User-centered design with the influence of current trends and developments.
  • Fluent in English and French, for both oral and written communications.


“In a team, Maja is absolutely cooperative and a diplomatic mediator at the customer’s place of business. I am wholeheartedly recommending Maja for complex conceptual tasks in a responsible position.”
Marco Spies, Managing Director, think moto